Vesta International Masters Head of The River Race
(formerly known as the Vesta Veterans International Head of the River Race)
The Race was “invented” by the late Richard Burnett and the late Derek Dunckley of Vesta Rowing Club in 1982. The Men’s Head of the River Race had grown beyond the maximum number of crews that could be accommodated over the course, and it was decided that veteran (masters) entries could no longer be accepted.
“Right” said Derek, “we’ll have our own ------- race!” Those who met him will recall his colourful language. The Race started very modestly and unofficially, but quickly developed into an event attracting a very high number of overseas crews, many of whom now come every year. By the mid Nineties, the Head had grown to over 100 entries, being the number above which the River has to be closed to other traffic, meaning only those involved in the Race can be on the water. Since then the categories have been extended from men only; first to women, then to mixed VIIIs, and more recently to Novice veterans and even Octuples and Quad sculls. The Race has also kept up to speed over the years with the developing requirements for both safety and communications. All this has enabled the Race to grow into an established and prestigious event in the international Rowing Calendar, whilst remaining an enjoyable day, proudly run by the members of Vesta Rowing Club.
Since its creation, the race has been widely known as the Vets Head but it’s full name was in fact “The Vesta International Veterans’ Head of the River Race for eights”. The word Veteran only officially coming into the title 10 years ago. The event and indeed our sport has moved on and so the event will change its name in 2023 to the “The Vesta International Masters Head of the River Race” or “The Masters Head” for short.
You can contact the organisers at masters.head@vestarowing.co.uk
The 2025 Race:
Entries are now open via BROE as of 22nd January 2025. Entries close 10th March 2025.
The event will take place on the Championship course on 23rd March 2025, start time will be 10:00, and raced on the ebb tide on the Championship Course between Mortlake and Putney.
Entries are open via BROE:
entries with placeholders, unpaid or without boating permission will not be accepted.
unaccepted entries will not be placed in the published draw.
octuples and coxed quads are aimed at complete beginners, experienced athletes are not eligible
junior coxes are allowed, but any J16 or younger will be scrutinised and you will be asked to confirm their competency in writing
overseas entries are very welcome, but we do ask that the cox and/or stroke should speak English
aggregated novice categories will be banded at the 20% percentile of the entries for that gender (open, female, mixed). there is no novice category to enter, crews will be moved automatically based on PRI
The race will be held under the rules of British Rowing and the British Rowing Rules of Racing will apply.
Jim Harlow, Chairman, Vesta Masters Head.
Jane Osborne, Chairman, Vesta Open Events Committee
Useful documents:
Please note that the draw is hosted on Google Drive, if you are logged in to your browser with a GSuite account, you might be have trouble accessing it (this is setting made by your domain admin). Please try accessing via an incognito tab or from a different account.
The Small Print
The organisers of the Veterans' Head of the River Race are obliged by VAT regulations to inform participants that the event is organised by Vesta Rowing Club, an amateur sports club, which applies any surplus on the event to further the sport of rowing.
The Vesta Masters' Head of the River Race is a rowing race held annually on the River Thames over the Championship Course. The direction in which the event is raced changes from year to year, dependent on the time of the tides: ideally it is raced from Mortlake to Putney but other years it will be raced the other way.
It is open to masters eights and quads, who race in categories determined by the average ages of the eight/four rowers. The race generally takes place on the day following the Head of the River Race.
Photo Credits
Photos on this page kindly provided by Ben Rodford Photography.
Contact Details
If you have any questions, please contact the entries secretaries by email here.